Give winter the cold shoulder and start “spring cleaning” your dietary habits.
With the start of the new season where we see blossoms, hear birds chirping, and feel warmer days on our skin we start to realize that our dietary choices need to be changed ASAP. We all know the well known statement that “summer bodies are made in winter”, but for some reason every year we let that statement slip until summer is basically in full swing.
So with spring being upon us there are a few tips to follow to just get the mind re-focused again on healthy eating.
* Start planning
By planning it simply means planning all meals and snacks daily to ensure there is no need to buy or eat unhealthy snacks. When meals are prepared beforehand it simply reduces the chance of failing. Time goes hand in hand with planning. There needs to be time set out every day to plan and prepare meals and snacks for the next day or for that same day.
*Make time to go to the shops
In order to have healthy, fresh and appropriate food options available at home there needs to be a day set out each week to go to the shops and buy the necessary ingredients/foods.
*Swap this for that
Always opt for healthier choices when planning meals/snacks. Do not go for an all or nothing approach. This will definitely lead to failure later on when trying to adopt a healthy eating behaviour. Instead of snacking on chips rather have unsalted nuts/ or lean biltong. And for breakfast instead of having sugary cereals have a decent high in fibre cereal/porridge in the morning that will keep you fuller for longer.
*Keep a food journal
Keep track and write down what you eat and drink for a couple of days. Be honest and not too hard on yourself. After evaluating your daily diet and noting the common pattern, start by only making small changes instead of changing everything all at once.
*Increase water intake
Cut down on sugary drinks, fruit juices, fancy coffees and alcohol. And start to increase the amount of daily water intake.
*Cook and eat more at home
It is quite obvious that when we eat and prepare food at home we have more control over what our choices are and we are more likely to stick to healthier options.
This definitely does not mean that we need to be unsocial. We can host dinner evenings/snack evenings and still have good catch up sessions with friends without having to go out to a restaurant.
*Start moving
Get a spring in your step and start doing more exercise. I always say choose a form of exercise you love doing. This will make you see exercise as fun rather than torture.
So as we bid winter farewell, make a promise to yourself that you will start making healthy lifestyle changes that will last through all the seasons .Come rain come shine!