Confront The Emotional Eating Monster
“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.” ― Oscar Wilde This absolutely...
2019: A Final Thought
2020 is within our grasp and a new year always develops various feelings within our core; feelings of hope, excitement and slight anxiety...
Cape town: Nutrition trend-setters.
I have always heard that Capetonians are extremely conscious about exercise and healthy eating. And since moving here, I have came to...
Give winter the cold shoulder and start “spring cleaning” your dietary habits.
With the start of the new season where we see blossoms, hear birds chirping, and feel warmer days on our skin we start to realize that...
Bridal Beauty can be achieved with nutrition.
Beautiful luscious hair, air-brushed glowing skin and a slim- fit figure in a gorgeous ivory dress are the images women imagine when they...
Give winter the cold shoulder
Winter… Daylight diminishes and chilly days escalate during this particular season. Some people adore the colder weather, while others...
Recover like a vegan
Until recently, words such as fibre, fruits and soya where often frowned upon in the meaty protein-filled world of professional athletes....
Sweet indulging moments, guilt free.
A coco-nutty aroma, crunchy yet smooth chocolaty indulgence. This does sound exquisite. However it probably is not as healthy, or is it?...
More to a dietitian than meets the eye..
We are often mistaken by many people for being able to change one’s physique over-night (that is being way too optimistic). Of course we...