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Bridal Beauty can be achieved with nutrition.

Beautiful luscious hair, air-brushed glowing skin and a slim- fit figure in a gorgeous ivory dress are the images women imagine when they picture their “big day”. It is only natural wanting to be the best version of you. Especially on what seems to be the most important day of their life. Women go to great lengths to achieve the bridal look they desire. Being a dietitian my advice to any client is to aspire to a healthy lifestyle and not just a temporary regime to lose a few kilos before the big day.

Ultimately achieving a healthy lifestyle prior to marriage will benefit you so much in the long run. Just think of it for a minute... The healthy routine will rub off on hubby and eventually in the future will help to teach the kiddies to eat healthy.

Below are a few points to get you on the right track with nutrition for the wedding day.

Golden rule: Prepare in advance.

The golden rule with weight loss is to do it slow and steady. The best is to give you as much time as possible. 6 months before is a great time or even prior to that. It gives time to see results in weight and health.

Be clever.

It is important to follow a balanced diet. Our body requires nutrients from all the food groups for various reasons. So keep it simple and stick to balance and variety. Basically it means controlled portions, regular eating, and loads of fibre, water and daily exercise. It is often tempting to try new fad diets and cleanses. However these fad diets are not healthy and weight fluctuations usually occur.

Set realistic healthy goals.

It is extremely important to set realistic goals weekly. Don’t aim for too much all at once as this often leads to failure. A great tip is to set 2 dietary and health goals weekly. And the key is to achieve those before setting more goals. An example for week 1: drink 2 litres of water daily, and have 2 veggie portions every day.

Eat your daily vitamins.

Fruits and vegetables are filled with vitamins and minerals our bodies need to keep our immune system in check to avoid illnesses/infections. Vitamins and minerals also play a key role for glowing skin, hair and eyes. It is necessary to include at least 4-5 portions of fruits and veggies in our diet daily.

Foods like leafy greens, watermelon and squash that are packed with vitamin A to help repair skin. Nuts, bell peppers and avocado are excellent sources of Vitamin E which is fat soluble vitamin to protect our skin against skin damage.

Hydrate, hydrate and hydrate even more.

We often focus too much on dietary food aspects that we forget about fluids. Staying hydrated is essential for cell turnover, improving the metabolic rate, and assisting with the digestive system. Water is the most important fluid to ingest daily, however herbal teas such as green tea are great options to stay hydrated and assisting the immune system.

Lay off the caffeine, alcoholic drinks, salt and sugar.

Try to limit the alcohol, caffeine and salt as much as possible to help achieve glowing, hydrated skin. When it is the bachelorette party try to keep the drinks to the minimum. And hydrate with water after an alcoholic drink.

Processed sugars can cause inflammation and aggravate the skin. So cutting sugar and salt will not only help your waistline, but is will also reduce the puffiness and tired look from your face. Regulating blood sugar levels can be achieved by eating balanced portions of wholegrain and fruits.

Up the amount on the Omega- 3 Rich proteins

Omega 3 fatty acids are found in oily skinned fish like salmon, tuna, sardines, pilchards, mackerel and herring. These sources should be eaten at least twice a week and this assist with healthy glowing skin, prevents inflammation in the body. Another plant based option can be used. Add chia seeds or flax seeds to a smoothie to boost the omega 3 dosage.

Below is a list of top foods for glowing skin that you can get easily.


Why It Is Good:


  • Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids

  • Keeps skin firm

  • Strengthens nails

  • Adds natural glow to skin

  • Also adds healthy shine to hair.


  • Heals damaged skin

  • Repairs sun damaged skin


  • Rich in vitamin A, potassium, calcium, vitamin E

  • Repairs skin cells

  • Promotes new cell growth for younger looking skin


  • High in fibre

  • Great for detoxifying


  • Reduces skin irritations

  • Helps fight off skin infections


  • Rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids

  • Rich in calcium and folate

  • Promotes glowing skin


  • Rich in bromelain

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Removes toxins

  • Promotes healthy collagen formation

Foods to avoid prior to the wedding day

Avoid all foods that tend to cause bloating; it does differ for different people. Individuals who are lactose, wheat, egg or gluten intolerant should avoid allergens.

Listed below are a few foods that tend to cause discomfort for most individuals.

  • Garlic

  • Onions

  • Green beans

  • Fizzy drinks

  • Brussel sprouts

  • Cabbage

  • Beans and legumes

  • Caffeine

To eat or not to eat, that is the question.

A wedding day is a beautiful, joyful day for the bride. Nutrition on the day plays a crucial role in maintaining balanced energy and sugar levels. With that being said the nerves are also extremely high on the day, so the appetite might be slightly reduced. Nonetheless it is important to eat the correct dietary options.

Wake up: Have a cup of Green/ Rooibos tea. (Lemon juice and honey can be added). A glass of lukewarm water with a squirt of fresh lemon juice can also be enjoyed.

Breakfast: Papaya/Kiwi fruit salad with natural plain yoghurt with honey

Snack: Sip on plenty of water throughout the day as you are getting ready.

Lunch: Salmon/Tuna salad. Raw spinach, salmon/tuna, diced tomato, cubed butternut, lemon juice for flavour, pepper for taste.

The spinach and tomato will provide vitamins and minerals, salmon/tuna good protein source to regulate blood sugar levels and to keep the bride full for longer, since there is quite a time gap between lunch and the reception celebrations. Butternut is a great source of fibre and carbohydrates to keep the energy levels sustained throughout the afternoon and will not leave the bride feeling bloated and uncomfortable.

Nutrition plays such a fundamental part in our health but we often disregard that our appearance and looks are also greatly influenced by what we eat. Luscious hair, glowing skin and bright white teeth doesn’t have to be a farfetched desire and idea. It can be achieved with the proper nutrition and mindset.

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